Mixology Monday

MxMo LII: Forgotten Cocktails — Alaska Cocktail

November 23, 2010

Alaska Cocktail

2 oz London dry gin (Voyager)
1/4 oz yellow chartreuse
2 dashes orange bitters

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MxMo XLVI: Absinthe — The Atlantic

February 22, 2010

This month’s Mixology Monday is hosted by Sonja Kassebaum over at Thinking of Drinking. In addition to running a fine boutique distillery, North Shore, with her husband, Sonja is one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. This month she’s chosen the topic that’s near and dear to my heart: The topic for February is […]

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MxMo XLV: Tea — Firenze

January 26, 2010

It’s Mixology Monday yet again.1 This month is being hosted by Frederic & Co. over at Cocktail Virgin Slut, and our topic is tea. Fred’s instructions: Find or concoct a drink recipe that uses tea or tisane (a herbal “tea” which lacks tea leaves) as an ingredient. This can be hot tea, cold tea, tea […]

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MxMo XLIV: Money Drinks — Vanilla Whiskey Royale

December 14, 2009

Mixology Monday is here again, and this month is being hosted by one of my favorite Seattle bartenders, Kevin Langmack.1 Kevin has given us the theme of Money Drinks. We had two directions we could go. First: A “Money” drink is something you can put in front of anyone, regardless of tastes or distastes about […]

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MxMo XLIII: Vermouth — The Visconti

October 26, 2009

Fall is closing in fast, but October refuses to leave until we honor it with a Mixology Monday. Over at Cocktailians, Vidiot is hosting a most excellent theme, Vermouth. He bids us: Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to present a delectable vermouth cocktail for us all to drool over. Sweet/Italian or […]

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MxMo XLII: Dizzy Dairy — Kávé

September 28, 2009

It may barely still be September, but it is definitely Monday, so it must be time for Mixology Monday! This month, we are hosted by the kind folk over at eGullet. Chris Amirault has chosen the topic of “Dizzy Dairy,” declaring: Any drink using a dairy product is fair game: milk, cream, eggs, butter, cheese, […]

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MxMo XLI: Vodka is Your Friend — The Mike Romanoff Cocktail

August 10, 2009

I appear to have fallen victim to the “just stop blogging after a major event” virus following Tales of the Cocktail, so I’m glad Mixology Monday has rolled around to inspire me out of my post-NOLA doldrums. And this month Amelia at Felicia’s Speakeasy has finally lain down the challenge we have so long avoided. […]

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MxMo XL: Ginger — Gingered Rum Old Fashioned

June 15, 2009

This Mixology Monday was one I couldn’t miss — after all, RumDood included a link to one of my posts in his announcement! This month it’s ginger, and as I have noted before, I LOVE ginger. Our challenge, from dear Matthew is: Find or concoct a cocktail recipe that uses ginger in one of its […]

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MxMo XXXIX: Amaro — Averna

May 18, 2009

Another month, another time to sort out what Roman numeral comes next. It’s Mixology Monday, and this month our fearless host is Chuck Taggart, who blogs about food and cocktails over at Looka! on the Gumbo Pages. Chuck has asked us to tackle the world of potable bitters: You could use something gentle, like the […]

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MxMo XXXVIII: Superior Twists — The Rumgroni

April 13, 2009

This month’s Mixology Monday is being hosted by Tristan at The Wild Drink Blog. He’s put forth the following challenge: This month’s Mixology Monday is all about twists on classic cocktails, that for one reason or another do an even better job than the drinks upon which they are based. This could be as simple […]

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