
Death in the South Pacific

March 31, 2010

The theme for this year’s official cocktail contest for Tales of the Cocktail was “Punch It Up.” Entrants were invited to submit a cocktail based on the Planter’s Punch recipe. Today the winner was announced, and I was excited to learn it was Evan Martin’s Death in the South Pacific. Death in the South Pacific […]

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MxMo XLVI: Absinthe — The Atlantic

February 22, 2010

This month’s Mixology Monday is hosted by Sonja Kassebaum over at Thinking of Drinking. In addition to running a fine boutique distillery, North Shore, with her husband, Sonja is one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. This month she’s chosen the topic that’s near and dear to my heart: The topic for February is […]

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MxMo XXIX: New Orleans — Absinthe Suissesse

July 19, 2008

It’s been torture this week, reading all the posts from everybody enjoying Tales of the Cocktail. To salve the wounds, I’ve been doing research for this month’s Mixology Monday, hosted by Paul Clarke. For those of us that didn’t make the great NOLA party, he challanged: mix up a cocktail that either originated in or […]

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