
Named for a sincere drinker and recommended only for such

March 21, 2008

Last night’s intensive study of Good Spirits by A. J. Rathbun led me to try the Ed Dexter. Rathbun states he found this recipe in a small 1934 pamphlet titled Irvin S. Cobb’s Own Recipe Book. Based on this one drink, and the fact the man wrote a book titled Red Likker, I’d like to […]

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Don’t Blink

March 13, 2008

I’ve always like grapefruit, as long as the ingestion of said fruit included adding lots of sugar. As a kid, it was a frequent weekend breakfast food, always served halved, covered in sugar, eaten with a spoon. Bryan, on the other hand, hates grapefruit. He made this clear when I brought home a six pack […]

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March 9, 2008

I picked up a bottle of Aperol at Washington State Store #101, which for those in the know is the store to know about, since it’s the most likely to have interesting items on the shelf. Tonight I opened the bottle of Aperol, and on first taste new I was going to like this “little […]

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